A Word on Wisdom

Dear Faith Family,

In some traditions, yesterday marked the official conclusion of Epiphanytide--though the season will wrap up for us on Sunday! If you remember, the Epiphany season and the weeks that follow emphasize the story of the "wise men" who found in their pursuit of wisdom the child Jesus. A most unexpected find, I am sure! Nevertheless, the light that guided them in search of the treasure of life took them to "The true light which enlightens everyone" (Jn. 1:9).  

It's the wisdom of Jesus, the knowledge and understanding on which our lives are built (or rebuilt), that we've been searching for through his parables. We, at least those of us reading this note, are after a good life, a true life, a beautiful life, a life we believe can only be built upon the resources of God-With-Us, God-For-Us that we discover in Jesus' revelation of "the kingdom of heaven." 

Admittedly though, with all the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding thrown our way, though we believe it and its necessity for a full life, we have a hard time knowing how to put it to work. Am I right? 

Well, praise be to our heavenly Father, who knew we might need a little help! 

Chapter 8 in the book of wisdom we call Proverbs begins with two questions, "Does not wisdom call? Does not understanding raise her voice?" These are not questions of longing or searching, but sarcastically rhetorical, as the next few verses demonstrate. One version translates the author's reply this way,  

"She [Wisdom] has taken her stand at First and Main, at the busiest intersection. Right in the city square where the traffic is thickest, she shouts, 'You--I'm talking to all of you, everyone out here on the street!" 

Right in the midst of daily life, where we work, shop, raise our kids, run into each other, in the places of power, economics, and everyday life, there She is, "Lady Wisdom," shouting out to us to busy to hear, "Don't miss a word of this--I'm telling you how to live well, I'm telling you how to live at your best." (v. 6) 

All that we are after, a life of beauty, harmony, justice, prosperity, and the like (v.12-21); "Madame Insight" helps bring together. Wisdom, personified as a woman who stands beside God as a "master workman,"  "making sure everything fits," (v. 30), and who is "Delighted with the world of things and creatures, happily celebrating the human family" (v. 31) She is not hidden away in some hidden room deep within a maze of religion or intelligence. No! At every entry point of daily living, Wisdom is there, calling to us, raising her voice so that we might listen (v. 2-4). 

Jesus names the same Spirit of Wisdom whose delight it is to shape something beautiful out of the raw materials of everyday existence, "Helper" who is “the Holy Spirit” (see Jn. 14-16). The Spirit of truth that fills us, guides us, and is the guarantee of life now and forever in God's kingdom. Again in Jesus' description, the assumption is that the Helper is not distant or hidden, but intimately near, "with you forever," (14:16) dwelling "with you and will be in you." (14:17). 

So you and I, standing at the entrance of a new day, ready to build (or rebuild) on the foundation of a God-With-Us life, but unsure how to put all the pieces together, perhaps the wisest thing to do is to stop and start with listening*

"So my dear friends," says Wisdom, "listen carefully...Blessed the man, blessed the woman, who listens to me, awake and ready for me each morning, alert and responsive as I start my day's work.

When you find me, you'll find life, real life, to say nothing of GOD's good pleasure." (v. 32-35) 

Love you, faith family! God bless. 

Our scriptures are clear that God is not far from us, nor is it his intent to be hidden from us. Instead, especially through the life of Jesus, we come to know a God who speaks, and who does so often and in ways that are understandable and intimate.

And yet, many of us struggle to have ears that hear. But' don't fret! Such unfamiliarity is neither uncommon nor a condemnation. We all need to learn to HEAR GOD. And that's what the resources here are meant to help you with.

If you have questions or would like help learning to listen, please don't hesitate to let me know.