Out of Nowhere...Sort of!

Dear Faith Family,

Our annual starting of the new year in the parables of Jesus has had us immersed in two foundational stories with intent. Two crafted narratives meant to reveal the essential nature of our daily existence. Though admittedly, they are only clarifying to those with ready hearts for a kingdom made in God's image and not in our expectations or assumptions. 

On Sunday evening, having spent the morning in one of these foundational parables and the afternoon getting ready for the week ahead, I found myself on my final chore for the day: laundry. Though Deedra does the brunt of the labor on this household necessity, I do throw in where I can...do the least damage! If something goes wrong with my loads, the family will still be able to function! 

For those familiar with the task, laundry is a pretty straight forward endeavor. Separate the clothes. Measure the appropriate amount of soap. But both into the machine. Enter the proper settings, and away things go! Though admittedly, I have to ask what is "appropriate" and "proper" far too often!

Anyway, as I contributed to our family's order, I realized I was singing an old song. A song that filled my childhood, at least on many Sunday mornings, yet a song I couldn't recall the last time I'd heard, much less sang*.

The moment it dawned on me I was singing this particular song, I wondered, "Where did that come from?' And then it hit me. My lips were echoing the heart of the parables in Matthew's gospel. The song I was reflexively singing was a resonance of the kingdom stories' revelation. 

Rather than continue to describe the song for you, why don't you take a listen and see if your heart resonates as well.


*I'd later ask Chaz if we had sung this song during a Gathering anytime recently, and he kindly informed me that we sang it last week!

So maybe the words weren't too deep and distant from my memory, but that fact doesn't change how well they "stir us up by way of reminder."

Praying that your heart and mind, and actions this week flow from the wondrous reality of God-With-Us and for us in Jesus. May we see new mercies morning by morning and strength for today in the faithfulness of our farming Father.

Holding fast to Jesus with you today and always. Love you, faith family! God bless.