Believing In The End

Dear Faith Family,  

What does it look like to be ready when the One we serve shows up at the end? When history’s party finally reaches its destination? Jesus depicts the answer in our final Kingdom Epiphany, revealing our Father's heart for us to live off faith in His life given to us. 

While I'd like to think my faith is like the first two servants who abandoned themselves wholly to the word and wealth of the Master, the truth is, my faith often has a twinge of the third servant's calculating fear. 

Too often, my faith is hidden under the guise of figuring out "God's will." Instead of trusting that what He has given me is uniquely gifted for me to do well with, I miss the "investment" opportunities for abundant life right in front of me. Too often, my faith is buried in the hesitation that I'll lose what I've been given if I don't use it correctly. Instead of trusting that He always has more to give, I miss out on entering into the abundance of His joy. 

Good thing, for those like me, that Jesus told these stories of the end, between the ends, so that we don't miss out on the fullness of the life He has given us to live. That's what makes Jesus' revelation that "Time is up! God's Kingdom is here" such Good News, if we'd just let His life grab hold of us and believe

So, let us end this season of Epiphany where we started, asking ourselves and one another:

How would life look if I believed Jesus' stories
are true stories, of what life with God is really like? 

Why don't we think and talk about that, as we follow Jesus together. Love you, faith family! God bless.