Don't Skip the Setting!

Dear Faith Family,  

I don't know about you, but when it comes to Jesus' stories of intent, I fixate rather quickly on the part of the story that appears to unveil the intent. Somewhat absent-mindedly, I move past the introductory setting and settle in on the "win" and "loss" of the narrative. That is especially true for our parable from Sunday, "The Ten Virgins," found in Matthew 25.

Almost without thinking, I focus on the implications of those who are in and those left out in the story. And the same pattern holds for the parable of the Talents that follows. Quickly I glance through the scene-setting details and square in on the assessment of the servants--for good and evil. How about you? 

I suppose it is only natural for us to fixate on the climax of a story; that is how stories are written, after all. Plus, we humans have that odd draw to tension, to the offensive, and apocalyptic. Crisis, conflict, even fear, sell; at least our publishing and entertainment industries operate under that impression. 

But what if, just for fun, we took a moment longer to let the setting sink in, or better yet, let ourselves sink into the setting of Jesus' revelatory tales? 

Do me a favor; take a second to quiet your heart and mind. Take in a deep breath and hold it for four seconds. Now exhale. Do it again, but this time, as you're breathing in, imagine you are in God's presence, and as you exhale, let your whole body sink into the image of God being with you. Take one more deep imaginative breath, hold it for four seconds, and sink into the images Jesus gives us for what life in God is truly like: 

  • Life with God, Jesus says, is like being a young woman invited to a grand party, and who is expected will join in the fun. (Matthew 25:1) 

  • Life with God is like being a servant entrusted to live on the master's absurdly abundant wealth and presumed to be capable of doing so. (Matthew 25:14-15) 

Life with God is like being invited to a party! Not trying to find a way to ensure an invitation or hoping it doesn't prove to be a fake, but actually invited with the only expectation that you show up ready to join in the festivities when it's time! 

Life with God is like living on house money, and having more of it than you could ever need! Not trying to demonstrate your worthiness nor earn the abundance, but actually entrusted with the expectation that you'll find you have all you need and more! 

Imagine that! No, really, take a few moments and imagine what Jesus says life with God is truly like. Ask the Spirit to show you if your vision of life with God matches up with Jesus', and if it doesn't, what you might be missing and missing out on. 

There is so much to see in the heart of Jesus' parables, but let's not pass too quickly over the life-framing beauty of his introductory images. May our life with God be everything Jesus supposes that it is. 

 Love you, faith family! God bless.