Bringing It Home

Dear Faith Family,

Jesus' final pastoral advice to us in the Revelation is the most honoring and ordinary of invitations. While much of the grandeur of Jesus and life with him in these seven letters are depicted in descriptions of heavenly places, royal attire, and divine endowments, Jesus' last proclamation brings us back to earth, to something we all have in common: a front door. 

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to them and eat with them, and they with me."
(Rev. 3:20) 

Though ever so brief in the Revelation, for the next verse has us once again in the heavenly realm, we find Jesus in the stuff of everyday life: behind our doors, all kinds of noises filling our homes as we prepare for dinner. And it is this normal stuff that Jesus says he is waiting to share life--his life--with us. 

I don't think Jesus' earthy image is an accident here at the end of his pastoral counsel. I think he has it here to encourage us to bring into our home (both figuratively and literally) what he has said through the Spirit to his churches throughout the letters. 

Bringing it home, opening the door to Jesus, has been the intention of our Lectio practices throughout this series. Whether you've worked your way through all seven or have yet to start, might I encourage you to keep using them this summer

Instead of moving on to the next thing, or, because of the summer schedule, doing no thing, let's continue opening the door to dine with Jesus on his words to his church. Allowing Jesus to pastor you/us until we experience in the everyday ordinary the blessing of ones "who hear and who keep what is written" (Rev. 1:3). 

Love you, faith family. God bless!