The Matter of Good Work

Dear Faith Family,  

"The only Christian work is good work done well," says Dorothy Sayers.

Work, that God-crafted thing for which we were made and by which we make and maintain a life, cultivating life good. To do that thing well, we have to love that for which we work and those whom we work with. Only love can sustain the devotion required to work well. The effort that must be exerted, even against opposing forces both internal and external. The time that must be devoted well beyond immediate evidence of effectiveness. The persistence required to get better, to stay curious even when routine or arrival bread apathy. The inhering "pleasure,"  even when trouble "from time to time will come to it." 

Love, as the apostle Paul reminds us, binds whatever we do in word or deed to make a life together in perfect harmony (Cor. 3:14), securing our in-love efforts to the end result: work done well. Yet Sayers said Christian work is not merely any work done well, but "good work well done." 

The truth is, our world is full of people who love what they were made for and whose commitment to what they love has produced beautiful and extraordinary results. Many, if not most, of these operators in common grace, have little or no faith in their gracious Maker. But you and I are different. We desire to do our work well, to the glory of God, that is, to do work that is the good work God designed. But how? 

As we discussed on Sunday, good work is the product of being at work with God. Or, to put it more practically, we do good work when we offer our work to God and welcome Him in our work. At least that is what the apostle Paul encourage the faith family of Rome to do: 

So here's what I want you to do, because of the gospel of God with you: Take your everyday, ordinary living--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, walking around living--and place it before God as a giving-over-to-go-with offering, which is your soul service. 

Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you don't know what you are doing, if it's for the good or not. Instead, be changed by God with you in your living. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and respond to it; that way, you'll work with conviction for what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:1-2) 

Good work, work that God designed for you and you for, is the product of doing what God desires, not just in our "big" choices and decisions, but in the everyday ordinary labors of living. And the way we know what God desires is by being at work with Him, offering our work to Him, and welcoming Him in our work.

But Paul's exhortation is not merely asking for God's blessing over your labors. Rather, it is a consecration of them, setting them apart for holy service, committing to look for the good in every detail and decision of the day as a means of communion. What God desires, what is "good and acceptable" to Him, is work done well, yes, but more so, work done with Him. After all, work began in a place where God created and humanity labored in undivided communion (see. Gen. 2). 

So, how can we be with God at work, offering our work to Him, welcoming Him in our work? While, as we said on Sunday, there are many ways you already know, might I suggest one for us today?

Jesus' prayer in Matthew 6 is not so much a supplication for God to do something, as it is a resolution to join in His Father's work by following His Father's care and lead. You can pray it that way too.

Wherever you are at this moment, stop, take a deep breath, breathe in the grace of God, and as you exhale, let your body rest in His presence. Then consecrate and commit today's work: 

Our Father in heaven, I will be a part of your name being kept holy, your kingdom come, your will done on earth--the very place my feet now rest--as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. I will receive all I need for life from you today, to live like you today. 

And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil and the evil one. You'll lead. I'll follow, guided and guarded by you along the path. 

For yours is the kingdom--the only forever good--and the power--the only forever force--and the glory--the only forever approval needed. And you share all with us in Jesus. Amen. 

May you experience the conviction and courage and bear the fruit of being at good work with God today, doing the work that matters, forever. 

Love you, faith family. God bless!