A Moment In The Middle

Dear Faith Family,  

On Sunday, before enjoying our "appointed feast," we lit a couple of candles and prayed a collection of prayers. And while there was nothing particularly dramatic in our actions, there is something profound about the simple rituals of entering and ending the Sabbath. 

"Beginnings and endings matter," argues Ruth Haley Barton, not so much because the first and last things we do on our Sabbath determine if we "get it right" or not. Beginnings and endings matter because the Sabbath is a renovating reprieve, a space of peace amid the turmoil of peacemaking, but it is only so if we choose to welcome it and leave it.  

If you missed our unassuming practices (modeled after the Jewish Kiddush and Havdalah), don't worry, we'll post the audio and a guide here soon. But for now, in the middle of life's labor, take a mini-Sabbath, a moment to welcome rest and leave restful into the good work still before you. 


PRAY: Father, thank you that rest in Your finished work is a part of being whole and holy. I rest because I am free at this moment from all that binds me because of Your affection, compassion, and care. I rest because You are for me and with me through Jesus. Amen. 

WATCH & REST: Click this link, and as the candle melts, let all today's anxiety melt away in our Father's knowledge of your need and His present provision. 


"This light...is a sign that the time to begin creating again has arrived. No more dreamlike [moments]. It is now time to invest ourselves in our work again.” 

WATCH & PRAY: Click this link and pray the words Jesus prayed for you as you step back into the good work you were created for. 

I do not ask that you take the people whom you gave me out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are no more defined by the world as I am defined by the world. Set them apart in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake I set myself apart for holy service to You, that they also may be set apart of holy service in truth. (John 17:15-19)

May you find rest in the middle of work and work resting in God for you and God with you. 

Love you, faith family! God bless.