The Place We (Re)Start

Dear Faith Family,  

Last week, like those in the garden, on the road, or in the room running into Jesus alive, we were invited to  "not disbelieve, but believe." Believe that all the adversaries of our souls (within and without) have been destroyed by the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Believe that we are not alone, not meant just to figure it out, not left to wander through our days, but shown, taught, and guided into God’s good design and destiny by Jesus alive again and forever. 

What could life be, if we believed? We asked that question, hoping to spark our imagination for life after Easter. It is the question that will set the course for our Gathered times during this next season. But where do we start? Well, as Psalm 92 reminds us, we begin where God has finished, ceased, sabbathed. 

A Psalm. A Song for the Sabbath
It is good to give thanks to LORD...For you, O LORD, have made me glad by your work...My eyes have seen the down fall of my enemies,
my ears have heard the doom of my assailants.
(Psalm 92:1,4,11) 

Life after Easter starts where all life started and restarts, resting with God in His finished work. As it was in Genesis, so it is again in Jesus. After God works, we rest with Him before we work with Him. It's (re)entering this incredibly profound God design, this whole and holy rhythm of Sabbathing to work, working into Sabbath, that allows us to live wisely, courageously, competently, and with peace. Imagine that! 

Seriously, imagine if you could discern what was temporal versus what was eternal in your daily duties, dialogues, and disagreements. Imagine being free from the bondage of fear in your relationships and responsibilities. Imagine if you were crafted and commissioned to handle your circumstances and career. Imagine if you were perfectly planted in God's Kingdom come and will being done on earth as in heaven. 

Psalm 92, as we shared on Sunday, invites us to see life whole and holy from the only place we can, from a place of rest in God's finished work. I invite you, faith family, to let the Spirit lead you (again) into praying from a Sabbath place this week. 

Love you, faith family! God bless.