Life After Easter

Dear Faith Family,  

The marvelous wonder of living after Easter is the struggle for life is over. No longer do we have to strive to attain life nor keep life, though we will, as Psalm 143 revealed on Sunday, continue to face struggles within life. Yes, even after Easter, there will be days and seasons where we feel the enemies crushing closeness and the fatigue of a life pursued for ill purposes. Yet, Jesus alive means all those enemies of living, those adversaries of the soul that still, kill, and destroy that which they strive after, have themselves met their better. 

Each morning after Easter, including this morning, we awake to the sound of steadfast love showing us the way we should go, teaching us how to live well, and leading us into open space. All because Jesus died for our sin, rose from the grave that first Easter morning, and lives this morning speaking the same words He spoke then: "Peace be with you." (Jn. 20:19, 21, 26) 

What if we believed that? I mean, really believed that peace was with us?

What if you believed that your conflicts in life would not be your end? Nor will the ones you are in conflict with.

What if you believed that you are not alone, not left to wonder, not left to figure it out? But instead, what if you woke with ears expecting to hear steadfast love show, teach, and lead you into life whole and holy?

What all could an after-Easter life be if we believed?! 

We'll begin to answer that question together on Sunday. But in the meantime, I invite you, my friends, to believe, trusting the good news that God is for you and with you. And, to imagine a life after Easter, a life where you "have seen the downfall of your enemies" in the forever life of Jesus. 

Love you, faith family! God bless.