Putting Prayer Into Practice

Dear Faith Family,  

Unless you grew up in a tradition that kept the prayers and celebrations of “holy week,” the days leading up to Easter may not have included a time of reflecting on Jesus’ last supper with His friends before His crucifixion. Well, that is what tomorrow, Maundy Thursday, marks.

The label comes from the shortened Latin word “mandatum,” which means “command” and is the root of our word “mandate.” On the night before Jesus died, He gathered his apprentices together, giving them a mandate,

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you….”
(John 13:34)

At this gathered meal, Jesus gave the disciples our regular manner of remembering His love for us in the earthy elements of broken bread and poured out wine (Lk. 22:19-20). It was also here that Jesus gave his friends the often overshadowed example of His love in action by washing the disciples’ feet (Jn. 13:2-17). An “example,” Jesus says, “that you also should do just as I have done to you.”

At this final pre-Easter meal, Jesus offered himself and his service not just to friends but to friends who would either betray him or abandon him or both. Jesus' love was not only selfless and sacrificial but was simple and lacked all conditions. Jesus mandates a love like His and shows us how to keep that command. 

The prayed poems of Lent, Lord willing, have cultivated in us a prophetic empathy with our fellow sinners and saints. Now reflecting on Jesus' final meal encourages us to move those prayers into practice

So today, take a moment to read and remember Jesus' final mandatum and ask the Spirit to lead you into the humble service of your fellow saints and sinners tomorrow. Pray believing Jesus' love for you empowers you to fulfill His command in even the simplest of actions toward those around you. 

Love you, faith family! God bless.