Psalm 9:1-4

Read Psalm 9:1-4


Lord, we give thanks to you with our whole hearts as we recount your wonderful deeds. 


-Your faithfulness in every season, good and challenging. 

-Your unchanging love and power from the beginning of everything. 

-Every good gift that has come our way.


We choose to give thanks to you, asking that you fill our hearts with JOY this advent season as we longingly wait for your return. 


Father, give us joy in the waiting. 

Give us joy in the quiet and the mundane. 

Give us joy in our suffering and doubt. 

Give us joy as we remember your extraordinary grace that has saved us from the pit. 

Give us true joy as we celebrate with gladness.

You make life worth living. 

In you is fullness of life. 

A life of joy! 


Fix our eyes on things eternal, on your wonderful deeds, as we wait for you. Help us to ask for joy even when it seems far off. 

Fill our hearts with praise, O God. 


- Catherin H.